Thursday, January 28, 2010

Passion For Life

Kids are all about fun, all the time! The things they say and do are pretty funny and usually contain a lesson. There lives are full of so much potential and positive energy. The fun is so continuous for them that we have to 'potty train' them, they don't have a natural inclination to want to take the time out of there life to even defecate in a toilet, they would rather just keep the party going and shit in their pants. Talk about dedication to having a good time, try that out the next time your out at a bar or party, just drop a deuce on the floor like it's no big deal, then if anyone asks just tell them your having to much fun to go to the toilet, should go over well. Kids also never want to go to sleep. A child can be totally exhausted and keep going and when they finally can't take it anymore they just pass out, in a chair, on the floor, maybe in a bed if they make it that far. As adults we look forward to going to bed, some even get excited about it! When does that change happen? When do we lose our passion for life that sleeping is more fun than being awake? Is aging that cruel? I don't think it is, I see older people who have energy levels well above some teenagers. I have tried to learn as much as I can from my kiddo, starting with emulating her energy level. For the most part, I think I am one of the most energetic people I know. I believe one way to keep your life interesting is to continually try new things. That's why kids are so excited, everything is a new experience. There is alot to learn in life and lots of things to try. Televison not only killed the radio star, but it also turned alot of fun loving, energtic people into lumps on the couch. Turn off your television, watch your friends and family, they are more interesting. The younger generations seem to suffer more from the televison/couch dilemma, so that strengthens my belief that age does not reduce your energy level. So what makes some people so uninterested in life while others can't get enough? One thing that I can't get enough of is going for a bike rides on a nice summer nights. The air, the stars, the heart pumping, it's very addictive. Takes me back to being 13 again, racing around the neighborhood at night without a care in the world. However, everytime I'm on a bike I feel like a kid again. Maybe I'm being to judgemental when writing this, I don't mean to come off like an asshole. I do know alot of very active people and even I watch television. My wife continually reminds me that all things need to be in moderation, I really think I'm just writing this piece as a reminder to myself to keep my actions and thoughts youthful. I will finish with advice that a very wise person in my life gave me. Don't dwell on the past, nothing you can do will change it, don't worry about the future, nothing you can do will change it, focus only on the now because you can only control what actions you put in place right now! Thursday is the new Friday, so have a good one!


1 comment:

  1. I agree kids are the greatest. You sacrifice your life for them. Hell, you sacrifice your checking account, savings account, retirement account, sanity and patience. You do all this for them and the time comes when they utter the three dreaded words that every parent yearns to hear - 'I HATE YOU!'. Oh well, you only live once.
