Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Single Encounters

Have you ever imagined that a single encounter could wreck your life? For example, what if you were out on a hike or fishing and you came across Bigfoot. The rest of your life you would know that bigfoot existed, and if you didn't share that information with others, you would go insane. On the flip side, if you did share that information with other people, they would think you were insane. So you are hosed! Same goes for Aliens, everyone would consider you insane if you claimed you had seen them. But you would drive yourself insane if you tried to contain a secret that big. What do you do? I would just start taking large quantities of hallucinogens, that way you might forget it happened to you, and if you share it with other people, they would just think it was the drugs! Either way, drugs or insanity, your life is wrecked. There are medical terms for about every type of phobia, what do you call the phobia of encoutering an mythical entity and thus wrecking your life? Unnaturalencouterobia!


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